What should I do if I have forgotten my Login Name?
I am an HKJC Web User, can I change my Login Name?
Can I change my Password?
What should I do if I have forgotten my Password?
Can I change my Login Question(s) and Login Answer(s)?
What if I forget my Login Answer(s)?
What if I forget the answer of my "Password Recovery Question"?
What should I do if I have forgotten my Login Name?
If your Login Name is not associated with any HKJC account(s), please call 1817 for enquiry.
If your Login Name is associated with an HKJC Betting Account or Racing Club Account, please logon to the User Profile Maintenance page and modify your "Password" through the "Change Login Information" section. Please follow the instructions and enter the required information, including your betting account number, password and HKID card number or passport number, as identity verification. After correctly inputting the required information, your Login Name will be shown on the screen.
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What should I do if I have forgotten my Password?
If your Login Name is not associated with any HKJC account(s), you will be required to answer a "Password Recovery Question" during registration. When you have forgotten your Password, you are required to answer your "Password Recovery Question" as identify verification. After successfully answering the question, the system will send a new Password to you through e-mail.
If your Login Name is associated with a Betting Account or Racing Club Account, you are required to provide your betting account number, security code and HKID number or passport number as identify verification. After successfully inputting the required information, you can reset your Password.
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Can I change my Login Question(s) and Login Answer(s)?
The Login Questions selected during registration cannot be modified, but the answers to these questions can be changed. Please logon to the User Profile Maintenance page and modify your "Login Answer(s)" under the "Change Login Information" section.
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